Saturday, December 31, 2011

Leaving the Old Year......

The last day of 2011 is here. Thoughts of the past year flow through my memory like a river of no return.
I am looking forward to more travel this year, more creating, and time spent with friends.

I wish you all a peaceful end of the year, and a joyful new beginning.


  1. And for you as well! Let's hope we get a lot done and thrive in 2012!

  2. Hi Sharon :
    Love your blog, and your home is very lovely. I was just wondering, I think your last name, is your married name, right ? I was wondering if maybe we could be related somehow ?
    My fathers name was JAMES ROBERT MORRISON, HIS FATHER WAS JOSEPH DAVID MORRISON,Lived in Kingsport, Tenn & Gate City & Hiltons, Va. Also, Baileyton, Tenn. HIS FATHER YANCEY & IDA MCGHEE MORRISON. My mom told me, that Joes family was from somewhere in Missouri...
    Just checking. It would be cool, if we were related.
    Take Care,
    Deborah Morrsion Woodrow

  3. Hi Sharon,
    Oh thank-you so much for visiting again! I started the store....and it is slow moving let me tell you. I have 7 items so far. It is coming. I had my first sale within minutes of listing it so that made me so happy.
